an ode to club safety ...
For our safety, we have these rules,
Follow them or we act like fools.
Don't taxi towards anyone, have a bit of understanding,
Keep the runway clear unless taking off or landing.
People must know, why you're near the flight line,
Don't make them guess give them a sign.
Without wishing to whinge or write a list of moans,
Use the pilot box and avoid no-fly zones.
Peg onto the board before you fly,
It's far too late when youre in the sky.
Shout loud and clear if you have a dead stick,
Forget to do so and youre a complete dick !
Theres a place for aerobatics or a low fly pass,
If you're not over the crop area then you're an arse.
At the end of the day when alls said and done,
We want to fly and have some fun.
Safetys important if flyings in your veins,
Whether your passion is helicopters or planes.
As the Safety Officer it rests in my hands,
Please take note of this ode its all part of my plans.
Our models are important but so are we,
Put safety first and do it for me.
Something I think that really does matter,
Is that we all have some pre flight chatter.
The key, I believe, is communication,
For each and everyone of the flying club generation.
Our club is an affiliated member of the British Model Flying Assocciation [No.0427] and as such agrees to abide by the BMFA rules & regulations as laid down.
Members can enjoy a safe, enjoyable and hopefully crash free flying experience !