Club constitution (amended March 2023)
The name of the Club shall be PRESTBURY PARK MODEL FLYING CLUB, hereinafter as PPMFC.
The object of PPMFC shall be to encourage all aspects of Radio-Controlled flight, by providing flying facilities and holding technical meetings, by social activity, by prompting competitions and by any other means for the time-being considered appropriate by the Executive Committee.
Membership of PPMFC shall be open to any person with an interest in any aspect of radio-controlled flight.
Persons shall only join at a PPMFC meeting or with prior arrangement of the Treasurer. Their acceptance as members shall be subject to a probationary period starting from the meeting following acceptance of fees extending to the following meeting during which time they shall be allowed to attend all activities and shall become acquainted with the rules and constitution. At the end of the probationary period they shall be informed of their acceptance or rejection. In the event of a rejection, their club subscription shall be refunded in full. No refund is available for the British Model Flying Association [BMFA] insurance.
Before being accepted as members they shall be required to show their agreement to abide by the rules of the constitution of PPMFC by signing the Membership Register.
The maximum number of members shall be determined by vote, normally made at the Annual General Meeting.
3.1 Members
Members shall have the right to attend, take part in and vote at all general meetings of PPMFC, to make nominations or be nominated for election to the committee and draw up motions to change any aspect of PPMFC's organisation for consideration at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings.
3.2 Junior Members
Junior members who shall have no voting rights, shall be accepted up to the age of 18 years.
The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chairman, an Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer. In addition, such other committee members as are deemed necessary may be elected. Three members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a Quorum at a Committee Meeting.
The Chairman shall hold a casting vote in the case of equality of votes. In the absence of the Chairman at any meeting, a Vice Chairman shall be elected by those present to conduct the meeting and will hold the full powers of the Chairman for the duration of the meeting.
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the organisation and administration of PPMFC.
The Executive Committee shall have the right to accept, reject or expel members. An expulsion can only take place with the unanimous agreement of the Executive Committee.
The Honorary Secretary shall maintain and record all proceedings of PPMFC.
The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of PPMFC and shall present an audited statement of funds to each Annual General Meeting.
An account shall be maintained in the name of PPMFC at a recognised financial establishment.
All cheques shall be signed by the Honorary Treasurer and by one other of the Executive Committee authorised to do so by the Executive Committee.
The officers and members of the committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of PPMFC.
Any two members of PPMFC may nominate an eligible member for election. In the event of there being more than one nomination for any particular post, the candidates shall leave the room until the voting procedure for that post is complete.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any willing and eligible member to fill a vacancy, but only for the unexpired term of the member in whose place the person is co-opted.
The Annual General Meeting of PPMFC shall be held in October of each year and at such a time and place as may be decided by the Executive Committee.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of PPMFC shall be sent to members not less than four weeks before the date fixed for the meeting.
The business transacted at the Annual general Meeting shall be:
6.1 Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
6.2 Matters arising.
6.3 To receive a written report from each member of the Executive Committee.
6.4 To receive an audited statement of the funds of PPMFC.
6.5 To elect Officers.
6.6 To set the Annual Subscription for the ensuing year.
6.7 To appoint an auditor, not of the Executive Committee, to act as an auditor for the ensuing year.
6.8 To vote on motions listed on the Agenda. Those motions to be received by the Honorary Secretary at least four weeks before the Annual General meeting, nominations for the Committee must be received prior to the business of the meeting commencing.
By a resolution of the Committee or upon request in writing signed by no fewer than 20% of the membership, the Honorary Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. Such meetings shall be held within four weeks of the passing of such a resolution or receipt of such a request. The notice convening the meeting shall be sent to all members at least two weeks before the date fixed for the meeting and shall state the business for which the meeting has been called and only that business shall be discussed.
No business shall be transacted at a General Meeting of PPMFC unless there be present no fewer than 20% of the membership entitled to vote. In the absence of a Quorum at the Annual General Meeting the meeting shall stand adjourned for a minimum of one week to a place and time appointed by the Chairman when business shall proceed without further notice, with or without a Quorum.
Only such members as are present at a meeting shall be entitled to vote. At an Extraordinary General Meeting when the motion is a change to the constitution of PPMFC a motion shall only be declared carried if there is a two thirds or more majority vote in favour by those present and entitled to vote. At all other meetings a simple majority vote of those present will suffice.
The amount of the Annual subscriptions shall be fixed from time to time by resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
Subscriptions shall be due during December. Subscriptions remaining unpaid by the January meeting of the following year shall indicate that the defaulting members have ceased membership of PPMFC.
Each member of PPMFC shall be issued with a Membership Card. Membership cards accompanied by a current subscription receipt shall constitute evidence of current membership of PPMFC and may be scrutinised at any meeting or other function of PPMFC.
In pursuit of its object of providing facilities for Radio Controlled flight, PPMFC shall seek to obtain the use of a suitable flying site or sites by purchase, lease, rent or otherwise, as may be considered most advantageous, by resolution of the members at an Annual General Meeting.
12.1 Rules.
Rules shall be compiled for the conduct of members at PPMFC's flying site[s] and shall be established by resolution of the members at an Annual general Meeting.
All field safety rules and regulations will be reviewed annually, and will be considered binding for 12 months, excepting where urgent action is required. This action must be ratified by the Executive Committee at the next club meeting or at a general meeting. The field safety rules are considered as a supplementary code to those laid out by the BMFA Member's Handbook, compliance with which is mandatory within PPMFC.
12.2 Third Party Insurance.
PPMFC shall be affiliated to the British Model Flying Association [hereinafter called the BMFA] and membership of the BMFA shall be a condition of PPMFC membership. In the event of the BMFA insurance scheme now being operated being suspended or substantially modified as to the risks covered, PPMFC shall obtain suitable alternative arrangements.
12.3 Complaints.
Any complaint concerning any member must be made in writing and signed by the complainant[s]. The written complaint must then be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary so that the matter can be addressed at the next Executive Committee Meeting.
The Executive Committee may impose a flying suspension not exceeding 28 days upon any member in the event of misconduct. Any suspension must be accompanied by a verbal and/or written warning as deemed appropriate in accordance with 12.3 below.
12.4 Disciplinary Procedure for Dismissal.
The Executive Committee may consider removal from the role of members any member whose conduct the field or elsewhere is considered to be prejudicial to the club. Dismissal will be in accordance with the following procedure in order to comply with the laws of natural justice.
a. The member shall be given a verbal warning by an authorised Committee Member in which the member is made aware of their misdemeanour and what they are reasonably required to do to make amends.
b. If the member does not respond they are to be given a written warning by an authorised Committee member to advise them of their misdemeanour and what they are reasonably required to do to make amends.
c. If they still fail to respond, the Executive Committee shall invite them in writing to meet with them at a previously agreed date and time to discuss the situation, advising them that they are considering withdrawal of their membership.
d. If they still fail to respond to reasoning, or fail to attend without reasonable cause, the Executive Committee shall advise them in writing that their membership is withdrawn, stating the reasons why this decision was reached.
e. When a member is advised of withdrawal of their membership, they must be given the right of appeal. If they opt to appeal, this will be to the Club membership at an Extraordinary general Meeting which the Executive Committee shall call on their behalf at a previously agreed date and time. The motion to uphold the membership withdrawal or reverse it shall be in accordance with voting procedures set out in PPMFC Constitution.
f. In the event of gross misconduct, immediate dismissal without warnings may be considered by the Executive Committee but the member shall still be accorded their right to present their case to the Executive Committee and given right of appeal in accordance with sub-paragraphs c, d, and e above.
In event of dismissal the Executive Committee will arrange for the member's current membership fee to be reimbursed in full.
PPMFC may only be dissolved by a two thirds majority decision of the members present at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.
In the event of the PPMFC ceasing to exist, the assets shall be donated to Charity or any other organisation according to the wishes of the majority of members at that Extraordinary General Meeting.
In the event of PPMFC being dissolved with liabilities exceeding its net assets, all then existing members shall be liable to the extent of one year's subscription [at the then applicable rate] beyond the year in which PPMFC dissolves, or, in the case of a member who has formally resigned or been expelled in the last year, to one year's subscription after their resignation/expulsion.
NB: the club took out a rental agreement for a defibrillator in February 2023.
The chairman - Jez Carter - took on the role of guarantor. The contract is for a minimum of four years.
In the event of the club ceasing to exist, any remaining amounts due in rental shall be immediately returned from club funds to Jez Carter, who shall not be personally liable for any remaining rental of the defibrillator.
The PPMFC is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment and to reduce, minimise or eliminate any environmental issues identified.
• We will Support and comply with or exceed the requirements of current environmental legislation and codes of practice.
• Demonstrate our responsibility as a good neighbour by supporting environmental initiatives in our local community
• Actively promote a culture of environmental awareness throughout the club,respecting wildlife and its natural surroundings
• Ensure all waste is removed from the flying site and disposed of, or recycled where possible.
• Monitor and continue to review all environmental matters on a regular basis
The General Data Protection Regulation came into force on 25th May, 2018. Its primary aim is to give control to individuals over their personal data and to comply with this, the PPMFC is required to:
• Advise members of personal information held on them
• Advise members what the PPMFC does with that information
• Advise members how to request a review or erasure of that information
Personal Information Held
The PPMFC holds the following information on members:
• Name
• Address
• Telephone number(s)
• Email address
• BMFA Number and Achievement Scheme Rating
• Date of Birth
This information is held both electronically, on a bespoke MS Excel spreadsheet which is backed up to off-line storage, and in paper form as membership applications, by the Treasurer. It is disclosed on an as-needs basis to no-one other than the PPMFC Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, and, if required, to the BMFA for verification of members' BMFA status. Electronic records are deleted 12 months after membership has lapsed, or 3 months after a member has deceased. Paper records are destroyed by shredding after the same period.
Compiled and approved at the Annual General Meeting of PPMFC members on 23rd Oct 2008
(Environmental and GDPR policies added Jan 2019)