Hard as nails...
Ace photographer and a handy bloke to have around at a BBQ or when starting a turbine. (Hint)
Laurie Huges
Lozza flies helis, planes and turbines, though rarely if ever flies the latter at the club field. His sorties with a Laser 150 powered YT Hurricane tend to be show stoppers... just how low can you go?!?
He’s also a top-notch photographer of both full-size military jets and landscapes. Click here to view his site on Flickr.
RC Factory Yak 55 profile electric
Weston Tigershark
YT Hurricane 72”
YT Yak 54
Stampe 88”
Global Sbach 30cc petrol
HF Modell ASW28 3 metre glider
RCMCM Typhoon 2 metre glider
X-Cel SE99 helicopter
Aviation Design Phoenix turbine
Flyeagle F16 Falcon 1/8 scale turbine
Jim Fox Typhoon Eurofighter 1/7 scale turbine
Awaiting build / Roll out:
A6 Texan 88”
YT Robin 50cc petrol
Fibre Classic P51 Mustang 88”
Fei Bao F-5 Tiger 1/6 scale turbine